Vol. 33 No. 2

24 posts

Books Received

If you would like to write a review for JADT, please contact our current book review editor Maya Roth at [email protected]. If you know of a book that would be suitable for review in JADT, please arrange for a copy to be mailed to the Editors, JADT/Martin E. Segal Theatre […]

Errol Hill Award Winners 1997-2020

The Errol Hill Award is given by the American Society for Theatre Research in recognition of outstanding scholarship in African American theater, drama, and/or performance studies, as demonstrated in the form of a published book-length project (monograph or essay collection) or scholarly article. The book or article must deal with […]

Special Thanks

Thank you to the American Theatre and Drama Society, the Black Theatre Association, and the Black Theatre Network for supporting the creation of this special issue. Many thanks to the guest editorial team, Mark Cosdon, Stephanie Engel, La Donna Forsgren, Javier Hurtado, Mia Levenson, Khalid Long, Derek Miller, Monica White […]

An Interview with Elaine Jackson

by Nathaniel G. Nesmith The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 33, Number 2 (Spring 2021) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2021 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Elaine Jackson, born in Detroit (1938), began her career in the theatre as an actress. In the early 1970s, she established her career as […]