Vol. 33 No. 1

10 posts

Encounters on Contested Lands and Provocative Eloquence

Encounters on Contested Lands: Indigenous Performances of Sovereignty and Nationhood in Québec. Julie Burelle. Performance Works, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2019; 232 pp. Provocative Eloquence: Theater, Violence, and Antislavery Speech in the Antebellum United States. Laura L. Mielke. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2019; 296 pp. Issues […]

Contemporary Women Stage Directors

Contemporary Women Stage Directors: Conversations on Craft. Paulette Marty. London; New York: Methuen Drama, Bloomsbury Collections, 2019; Pp. 292 + viii. Contemporary Women Stage Directors: Conversations on Craft presents an ambitious compilation of interviews with twenty-seven contemporary women stage directors, while archiving and reflecting on relatively underrepresented women stage directors in the US […]

Ensemble-Made Chicago

Ensemble-Made Chicago: A Guide To Devised Theater. Chloe Johnson and Coya Paz Brownrigg. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2019. Pp. 202. Chloe Johnson and Coya Paz Brownrigg’s Ensemble-Made: A Guide to Devised Theater (2019) is a valuable resource for theater educators and practitioners, particularly those who wish to deepen their knowledge of […]

Intersectional Identities, Collaborations, and Contemporary Performance Practices

Maya Roth, Editor Contemporary Women Stage Directors: Conversation on Craft By Paulette Marty Reviewed by Dohyun Gracia Shin   Double review Encounters on Contested Lands: Indigenous Performances of Sovereignty and Nationhood in Québec By Julia Burelle  and Provocative Eloquence: Theater, Violence and Antislavery Speech in the Antebellum United States By […]

Unhappy is the Land that Needs a Hero: The Mark of the Marketplace in Suzan-Lori Parks’s Father Comes Home from the Wars, Parts 1-3

by Michael P. Jaros The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 33, Number 1 (Fall 2020) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2020 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Appearing within the first iteration of the Black Lives Matter movement and the fraught national conversations over the legacies of the American Civil War, […]