Elyse Singer (she/her/hers)

13 posts

Dropping the Needle on the Record: Intermedial Contingency and Spalding Gray’s Early Talk Performances

by Ira S. Murfin The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 30, Number 2 (Spring 2018) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2018 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Spalding Gray’s autobiographical monologues exemplified the affective immediacy of virtuosic first-person storytelling during the 1980s and 1990s, and helped establish a distinct theatrical genre […]

The Contemporary American Monologue: Performance and Politics

The Contemporary American Monologue: Performance and Politics. Eddie Paterson. New York: Methuen, 2015; Pp. 232. The Contemporary American Monologue: Performance and Politics by Eddie Paterson offers comparative analyses of solo performance artists Spalding Grey, Laurie Anderson, Anna Deavere Smith, and Karen Finley. In his introduction, Paterson clearly lays out his […]

Immersions in Cultural Difference: Tourism, War, Performance

Immersions in Cultural Difference: Tourism, War, Performance. Natalie Alvarez. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018; Pp. 214. Reading Natalie Alvarez’s Immersions in Cultural Difference: Tourism, War, Performance is a fantastic reminder of what theatre and performance studies have to offer during a cultural moment in which “reality” programming is […]

Samuel Beckett’s Theatre in America: The Legacy of Alan Schneider as Beckett’s American Director

Samuel Beckett’s Theatre in America: The Legacy of Alan Schneider as Beckett’s American Director. Natka Bianchini. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015; Pp. 204. To discuss the production history of Samuel Beckett’s work in the US is inevitably to begin with Alan Schneider. Schneider directed the American premiere of all twelve […]

Performance and Politics

Donatella Galella, Editor Black Performance on the Outskirts of the Left By Malik Gaines Reviewed by Kristin Moriah The Contemporary American Monologue: Performance and Politics By Eddie Paterson Reviewed by Kevin T. Browne Immersions in Cultural Difference: Tourism, War, Performance By Natalie Alvarez Reviewed by Eero Laine Samuel Beckett’s Theatre […]