Emily Furlich (she/her)

18 posts

Transpacific Performance: Interdisciplinary Theater, Embodied Reckonings and Cross-Cultural Dance

Maya Roth, Editor The Interdisciplinary Theatre of Ping Chong: Exploring Curiosity and Otherness By Yuko Kurahashi Reviewed by Craig Quintero Embodied Reckonings: “Comfort Women,” Performance and Transpacific Redress By Elizabeth Son Reviewed by Devika Ranjan Love Dances: Loss and Mourning in Intercultural Collaboration By SanSan Kwan Reviewed by grace shinhae jun […]

Books Received

If you would like to write a review for JADT, please contact our current book review editor Maya Roth at mer46@georgetown.edu. If you know of a book that would be suitable for review in JADT, please arrange for a copy to be mailed to the Editors, JADT/Martin E. Segal Theatre […]

Representation from Cambodia to America: Musical Dramaturgies in Lauren Yee’s Cambodian Rock Band

by Jennifer Goodlander The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 34, Number 2 (Spring 2022) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2022 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center For many, Cambodia and Cambodian American identities remain “unrepresentable.”[1] Jonathan H. X. Lee troubles the relationships between Southeast Asian, American, and specific national identities to […]

Dramaturgy of Deprivation (없다): An Invitation to Re-Imagine Ways We Depict Asian American and Adopted Narratives of Trauma

by Amy Mihyang Ginther The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 34, Number 2 (Spring 2022) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2022 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center “I intended both to tell an impossible story and to amplify the impossibility of its telling.” —Saidiya Hartman[1] Using theatre to generate empathy for […]

The Risk Theatre Model of Tragedy: Gambling, Drama, and the Unexpected

The Risk Theatre Model of Tragedy: Gambling, Drama, and the Unexpected. Edwin Wong. Victoria, Canada: Friesen Press, 2019; Pp. 363. In 2019, the Langham Court Theatre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada inaugurated the Risk Theatre Modern Tragedy Competition, awarding top prize ($8,000 Canadian) to In Bloom by Brooklyn-based playwright Gabriel […]