Revisiting Musicals, Dance, Identity and History: Performance Cultures of the Body

Maya Roth, Editor


Dancing the World Smaller: Staging Globalism in Mid-Century America
By Rebekah J. Kowal
Reviewed by Dahye Lee

Ishstyle: Accenting Gay Indian Nightlife
By Kareem Khubchandani
Reviewed by Rahul K Gairola

Rise Up! Broadway and American Society from Angels in America to Hamilton
By Chris Jones
Reviewed by Casey Berner

The Great White Way: Race and the Broadway Musical; Reframing the Musical: Race, Culture and Identity
By Warren Hoffman and By Sara Whitfield
Reviewed by Sarah Courtis

The Queer Nuyorican: Racialized Sexualities and Aesthetics in Loisaida
By Karen Jaime
Reviewed by Cailyn Sales

Books Received

The Journal of American Drama and Theatre
Volume 35, Number 1 (Fall 2022)
ISNN 2376-4236
©2022 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center