Monthly Archives: December 2021

11 posts

The Risk Theatre Model of Tragedy: Gambling, Drama, and the Unexpected

The Risk Theatre Model of Tragedy: Gambling, Drama, and the Unexpected. Edwin Wong. Victoria, Canada: Friesen Press, 2019; Pp. 363. In 2019, the Langham Court Theatre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada inaugurated the Risk Theatre Modern Tragedy Competition, awarding top prize ($8,000 Canadian) to In Bloom by Brooklyn-based playwright Gabriel […]

Theatre of Isolation

by Madeline Pages The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 34, Number 1 (Fall 2021) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2021 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Conceiving of a theatre of isolation presents the performance scholar with a conundrum akin to a tree falling in a secluded forest. As it is […]