Yearly Archives: 2020

15 posts

Unhappy is the Land that Needs a Hero: The Mark of the Marketplace in Suzan-Lori Parks’s Father Comes Home from the Wars, Parts 1-3

by Michael P. Jaros The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Volume 33, Number 1 (Fall 2020) ISNN 2376-4236 ©2020 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Appearing within the first iteration of the Black Lives Matter movement and the fraught national conversations over the legacies of the American Civil War, […]

Theatre and Ecology

Maya Roth, Editor   The Drama and Theatre of Sarah Ruhl By Amy Muse Reviewed by John Bray A Player and a Gentleman: The Diary of Harry Watkins, Nineteenth-Century US American Actor Edited by Amy E. Hughes and Naomi J. Stubbs Reviewed by Amy B. Huang Theatre, Performance and Cognition: […]

Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies

Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies. Edited by Rhonda Blair and Amy Cook. London: Bloomsbury, 2016; Pp. 243+xii. Rhonda Blair and Amy Cook’s co-edited volume Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies advances the cross-disciplinary discourse inspired by the cognitive turn by interrogating the ways practitioners and […]