Stages of Struggle and Celebration: A Production History of Black Theatre in Texas. Sandra M. Mayo and Elvin Holt. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016; Pp. 341. The history of black theatre in the United States tends to be analyzed as a product of the coasts, from New York City during the […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
If you would like to write a review for JADT, please contact our current book review editor Maya Roth at [email protected]. If you know of a book that would be suitable for review in JADT, please mail a copy to the Editors, JADT/Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, CUNY Graduate Center, […]
Donatella Galella, Editor Black Performance on the Outskirts of the Left By Malik Gaines Reviewed by Kristin Moriah The Contemporary American Monologue: Performance and Politics By Eddie Paterson Reviewed by Kevin T. Browne Immersions in Cultural Difference: Tourism, War, Performance By Natalie Alvarez Reviewed by Eero Laine Samuel Beckett’s Theatre […]