Monthly Archives: June 2017

8 posts

Spring 2018 Special Issue

The American Theatre and Drama Society invites submissions for the Spring 2018 issue of The Journal of American Drama and Theatre Mediations of Authorship in American Postdramatic Mediaturgies Submission Deadline: 15 Dec. 2017 Authorship has proven to be an elastic concept determined by varying degrees of interference with media and technologies, […]

Acting in the Academy

Acting in the Academy: The history of professional actor training in US higher education. Peter Zazzali. London, New York: Routledge, 2016; Pp. 219. In Acting in the Academy, Peter Zazzali marshals some rather grim employment data provided by Actors Equity Association to argue that it is now harder than ever […]

Directing Shakespeare in America

Directing Shakespeare in America: Current Practices. By Charles Ney. London UK, New York NY: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2016. Pp. 362. Charles Ney’s Directing Shakespeare in America: Current Practices is an illuminating and much-needed resource for directors, scholars, students, and Shakespeare aficionados. Between 2004 and 2015, Ney interviewed a veritable “who’s […]

Ruth Maleczech at Mabou Mines

Ruth Maleczech at Mabou Mines: Woman’s Work. By Jessica Silsby Brater. Methuen Drama Engage Series. Series editors Enoch Brater and Mark Taylor-Batty. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama Press, 2016; Pp. 255. The Methuen Drama Engage Series “offers original reflections about key practitioners, movements and genres in the fields of modern theatre […]