Editorial Comment

We are pleased to launch the Fall 2016/Winter 2017 issue of JADT. As we launch this issue, we would like to take the opportunity to alert you to some changes.

In Fall 2016 we welcomed several new members to our Editorial Board, including Tracey Elaine Chessum, Stuart Hecht, David Krasner, and Ariel Nereson. See the “About” page for a complete list. Our advisory editors are crucial to the operation of JADT, and we rely on their service as readers, contributors, and “article scouts.”

We are also indebted to our current editorial staff: Curtis Russell, Managing Editor, and Christine Snyder, Editorial Assistant. As you may know, we have new editorial staff each year when we admit new PhD students to the Graduate Center, CUNY, and these positions provide them with funding as well as valuable experience.

Related to this is a rather important change to the journal: we are moving to two issues per year (Fall and Spring). Due to a change a couple of years ago in how PhD students are funded at the Graduate Center, the editorial staff positions changed from being 5-year to 1-year positions. This created difficulties with training and our publication schedule. To make the workload more reasonable for the editorial staff, and the publication timeline of the issues more regular, we’re moving to publishing two issues per year (Fall and Spring) instead of three. ATDS will continue to guest-edit the Spring issue.

Our book reviews section is now fully launched, and books and reviewers are finding their way to our Book Reviews Editor, Susan Kattwinkel. Please consider reviewing for us–contact Susan should you wish to review a book that falls within your area of research. Similarly, please submit your books for review to Susan (sent to the Segal Center), and encourage your colleagues to do so as well.

We accept submissions on a rolling basis. As you, your colleagues, and your students develop work for publication, please urge them to keep JADT in mind. JADT remains a peer-reviewed journal, but now has free online access, meaning standards are kept high while the potential audience exceeds that of traditional print journals.

Thanks again to all of our readers, Editorial Board members, editorial staff, and our friends at the Martin E. Segal Center and ATDS for their continuing support.

Naomi J. Stubbs and James F. Wilson

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